How To Create A Dazzling Spring Lilac Eyeshadow Look
I really wanted to use this lilac Matte Fluid Eye Paint from about-face in Freaked and somehow created this pretty eye look with spring colors. The liquid eyeshadow is a cool lavender shade so I wanted to pair it with a light peach color. This simple spring makeup look becomes dazzling by just adding a neutral glitter eyeshadow all over the lid.
Spring Lilac Hooded Eye Makeup Tutorial with about-face
I haven’t used this BH Cosmetics Romantic Nomad palette in a while, so I applied the matte light orange first on the inner lid, and added the light pink shimmer on top. it becomes a shimmery peach shade with the mix of colors. Also if you only have this palette, I think you can create a similar eye look without needing the liquid eyeshadow. I then used about-face Matte Fluid Eye Paint Freaked by lightly adding one or two dots with the applicator on the outer lid and blending it out. I only added a few dots as I didn’t want a fully saturated color, but you can layer the eyeshadow up if you wanted that look instead. Then I used the lilac shimmer from the Romantic Nomad palette over the matte purple, just for more texture. I used the beige glitter from the rom&nd Better Than Palette Light & Glitter Garden and placed it all over the lid.
I also recommend using a glitter primer when using any kind of glitter or shimmer formula over the eyelids. Some glitter eyeshadows are easier to stick to the lid if you use your fingers to apply as well. You can find an Amazon link to the rom&nd palette below. *I earn a commission for purchases made from the link below*
For blush I wanted something neutral leaning as the eye look had pops of color already. I used Colourpop Meteor, Rite? which is a warm leaning light brown tone. And for the lip product, rom&nd Juicy Lasting Tint in Bare Apricot adds a nice bit of bright apricot to the makeup look. This lip tint formula is good for getting that glassy sheer lip that’s popular in Korea. I decided on The Maker Paradiso for my perfume, which is a earthy green and floral scent.
about-face Spring Lilac Hooded Eye Makeup
about-face Spring Lilac Hooded Eye Makeup
Makeup Swatches
about-face Freaked Matte Fluid Paint, BH Cosmetics Romantic Nomad, rom&nd Better Than Palette Light & Glitter Garden, Bare Apricot Juicy Lasting Tint makeup swatches
about-face Freaked Matte Fluid Paint, BH Cosmetics Romantic Nomad, rom&nd Better Than Palette Light & Glitter Garden, Bare Apricot Juicy Lasting Tint makeup swatches
From the swatches you can see that spring vibe color story with the peach, pink, and lavender tones. Glitter really only stands out in certain light so I used a filter to enhance the glitter flecks. I’m using Moody Lenses for my colored contact lenses.
Colourpop Meteor, Rite? blush swatch
Colourpop Meteor, Rite? blush swatch
I forgot to include Colourpop Meteor, Rite? in my previous swatches so I have included them individually here.
Makeup Products Used:
BH Cosmetics Romantic Nomad
Colourpop Meteor, Rite? powder blush
The Maker Paradiso perfume